Thursday, July 31, 2014

Backyard Cookout

Its that time of year again, middle of the summer and backyard cookouts are on everyone's calendar. I, personally love cookouts, any opportunity to have friends over and grill out and just relax I am down! I have come up with a couple recipes to mimic those you may be familiar with from your childhood but with a healthy twist. First course is a Grilled Caesar Salad with Shaved Parmesan and Toasted Almonds, I don't know whose idea it was to grill romaine lettuce but it adds a really great smoky flavor to the salad, the almonds replace the croutons and be sure to get some good quality Parmesan Cheese (the block kind not the kind that comes in the green can). And the star of any cookout, Hamburgers but I've added a Paleo twist the typical vehicle in which to eat your burger, Sweet Potato Bun. I also made a dessert from Primal Palate, Chocolate Cupcakes with "Reese's" Sunbutter Frosting.
These are so good and really do taste just like p-nut butter!

Grilled Caesar Salad
Serves 4

2 heads of Romaine Lettuce (cut in half lengthwise)
1/2 cups sliced almonds
block of Parmesan Cheese
Caesar Dressing from Primal Blueprint Healthy Sauces, Dressings and Toppings- I know its really simple to make dressings but I can not tell you how many times I have used this book for salad dressing recipes, they are super easy. I highly suggest if you get only one cookbook and then use my recipes for everything else, get this book. Salad dressings are one of the most unhealthy things about salads and this just makes it so easy to enjoy healthy versions of your favorite dressing.

Place the romaine halves on a hot grill for 2-3 mins each side, remove from grill. Put the almond slices on a dry skillet and toast on low heat about 5-8 mins stirring frequently so not to burn them. You will know they are ready when they become fragrant.
Assemble grilled romaine on a plate, drizzle with Caesar dressing, sprinkle with toasted almonds and shave Parmesan cheese on top. First course is done!

Sweet Potato Buns

2 Fat Sweet Potatoes- I like to use Japanese Sweet Potatoes because they are white on the inside so it gives you the look of a real bun. 
1 Tbsp. melted butter
Salt and Pepper to taste. 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Peel sweet potatoes and cut into rounds, use the fattest rounds for your buns and eat the rest as a side dish or cut into fries. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and lay the sweet potatoes out. Season with Salt and Pepper and our melted butter over top. Cook for 10 mins, take out of the oven, flip and put back in for another 10 mins. 

Hamburgers Sliders

2 lbs ground grass-fed beef
1/2 tsp. salt 
1/2 tsp. pepper

In a large mixing bow mix beef and salt and pepper together, form 8 small patties and place on grill for 5 mins each side. Assemble burger on sweet potato bun. Optional add ons: sauteed onions, avocado slices, tomato, roasted garlic spread on burger, ketchup (recipe from Primal Blueprint SDT) or mustard. You could make some coleslaw or a fried or poached egg. Possibilities are endless so get creative! 

Its really simple to create a delicious healthy backyard cookout that everyone can enjoy! You can chose to add more seasoning to your burgers but I like to let the meat shine. 

And if you're missing and burgers you need to check the alibi of this guy.....
If you are enjoying these recipes, please leave a comment either on here or FB and don't forget to subscribe! And keep your eyes peeled (what does that even mean?)  for my new website coming to a computer near you soon!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage Salad with Mint Dressing

Here is a really wonderful, nutritious salad that is good anytime of year. I pair it with a bratwurst and sauerkraut with some spicy brown mustard for lunch but this salad could be paired with any meal even breakfast. It makes a ton so bring it to your next Potluck or Backyard BBQ!

Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage Salad with Mint Dressing

Dressing- recipe inspired by Primal Blueprint  Healthy Sauces, Dressings & Toppings by Mark Sisson

1/2 cup Mint- chopped
3 Green Onions- chopped
1 Tbsp. ginger- peeled and chopped
Juice from 1 lime
2 tsp. Jalapeno pepper- seeded and finely chopped
Salt to taste
1/2 cup EVOO or Coconut Oil

Place all ingredients except Oil in food processor or blender and pulse a few times. Slowly add Oil with blending.


1 Head Purple Cabbage- shredded
1 lb. Brussels Sprouts- shredded
1/2 cup or more Raisins
1/2 cup or more Pumpkin or Sunflower seeds- raw
1 small Red Onion- sliced thin
Optional- 1/2 cup Strawberries- sliced

To shred cabbage and Brussels sprouts, use the shredding attachment on food processor or by hand with chef's knife. Combine all ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Add dressing and mix. Serve immediately or for the best results, let sit overnight in refrigerator. Enjoy!

Remember to check out my FB page Outside the Box Health Solutions!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bulletproof Coffee on Steroids

Here's a really easy coffee recipe to up its health benefits and flavor big time! I mean its like a flavor bomb went off in your coffee. Taking my first sip reminded me of the first time I tried Moonshine. It was 2008, my brother brought  over to my apartment some Apple Brandy, aka Moonshine. I took a swig and the flavor was like a shot to the gut at first I wasn't sure if I like it, a couple minutes later I was ready for another, yep this stuff was good! 
I'm a big coffee lover, not only is it a nice way to start a sleepy morning but I just love the flavor. I usually drink it black but on occasion I will add a splash of heavy cream. I've  never been a huge fan of bulletproof coffee even though I know it has a lot of great benefits including increased fat loss, focus and energy, (coffee (organic) , MCT oil and a pad of grass-fed butter)  but when I added some other spices to it I really enjoy it as a nice treat.  
Be warned, the added spices really gives this coffee a kick and first sip might be quite an experience but like a moth to a flame you will keep coming back sip after sip. 
But before we get to the recipe, what the heck is MCT oil?
Medium-Chain Triglycerides are the most readily used form of fat for energy and it does not take any energy to break them down, its considered the perfect fat because it comes ready to use. Its said to help with increased calorie burning and fat oxidation. Like with everything, just as many reports that promote MCT oil for fat loss there are just as many that show inconclusive results so I encourage you to be your own judge and give it a try. Be your own N=1! 
Another form of MCT is Coconut Oil (YAY!!!!) 

Bulletproof Coffee on Steroids
1 cup of  organic coffee (about 16 0z)
1 Tbsp MCT Oil - (start with 1, you can work your way up but no more than 2 Tbsp or you will be spending a lot of time in the bathroom)
1/2 Tbsp grass-fed butter (like Keri-gold)
1/2 Tbsp Raw honey
1 tsp dutch processed cocoa
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp organic vanilla extract
Dash cayenne

Pour all ingredients in a small mixing bowl and use a stick blender to combine, or use a blender or even a food processor. 
Note: you will see some specs from the spices, not all of them will blend completely into the coffee. 
Hey! My photos are getting better! 

The addition of the different spices have some excellent health benefits:
Cinnamon- blood sugar stabilizer
Turmeric- anti-inflammatory, helps with recovery
Cayenne-helps with digestion, stimulates blood flow and circulation
Cocoa- contains iron, magnesium and zinc. Supports bones, heart and immune function.
Raw honey- Powerful antioxidant, strengthens immune system, eliminates allergies and anti-inflammatory
Vanilla- anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic 

And my post would not be complete without a picture of Walker! 
"I choose small pillow over large pillow bed"
Stay tuned for more info on my upcoming website Outside the Box Health Solutions! And if you haven't seen on FB I have a business page now that I insist you go like immediately and leave me awesome comments! Outside the Box Health Solutions FB Page